Itumeleng Matome Ramohale

It is undisputable that Itumeleng Matome Ramohale best known as Tomaeza has become the airwaves darling. Not your ordinary radio-jock, Tomaeza has touched many souls everywhere he has found himself talking to people. It is through his excellence crowd handling skills and sense of humor that make him one-of-a-kind. Born in the North West Province in a village of Madidi situated in Brits, the talented radio announcer knew from a tender age that radio was his destiny. Growing up, his desire to be on radio was further fueled in the 1990s when he would listen to radio veterans such as, Amon Mokoena, Solly Mputle and Benny Motaung. Today, Tomaeza has become a force-to-be-reckoned-with and not only does he brings so much joy on air, he also knows how to keep the listeners eating out of the palm of his hand.

Birthday: 14 February

Place of Birth: Madidi

Your Secret Passion: Lending a helping hand to those who are less fortunate. Nothing gives me life than knowing that even though am not perfect, I am able to contribute positively to someone’s life. This is a passion I have had for a while and I enjoy it wholeheartedly.

Worst Day of the Week: That’s a taboo to me. Every day is a new day! I am always fired up to do my bit and working towards being a better person. I think we can all be able to change the psychic and treat each day as a fresh start or stepping-stone to greatness no matter how bad the day may be.

If you could Invite any Three People, Dead of Alive for dinner, who would they be and why: There’s only one man I would invite to this rare moment and that’s Sbusiso Leope famously known as DJ Sbu. The brother is such an inspiration; he has worked hard to build his empire – all from nothing. And him having grown up from the township is testament enough that anything is possible if you have the right energy and push. While dining, I would have a conversation with him about where it all started, the hardships and where he is now. He is such a hard worker and always reinvents himself. For me, that’s amazing! Also my mother, I would like to sit alongside her and express my love and admiration towards her. Her resilience and the role she played in our upbringing. I would tell her I love her each time I look her way.

The thing You’re Most Proud of: Being able to give back to my community without being asked to do so. For some time now, I have been helping three Primary schools in Madidi with sports kit and school uniforms. I also pay for a tutor to give learners extra math and science lessons at Ntolo High School. I am a big believer of education. I go to bed with a smile knowing that I am doing my bit to contribute to someone’s life.

Your Likes: Being around people that are go-getters and are passionate about their hustle.

Dislikes: Two-faced people and those that want to live for today.

Favourite Musician or Band: Sunset Sweetshop, Rhythmic Elements and Daft Punk

Web links to find out more about you: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

What Advice would you give to people who would like to work in this particular field:

Making it into radio as a presenter is one thing. However, you will not have much of a career if you can’t differentiate yourself from everyone else that’s currently on radio. You need to have a passion for the craft, enjoy interacting with people and the heart, and determination to be an on-air announcer. Practice as much as you can and go out there to mingle with those that can help you get to where you want to be. Make sure you absorb as much information as you can on the topics you plan to talk over and if a small gig comes through, take it because that can be your passage to the top. We all started somewhere so don’t be ashamed to take the first step.

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